한국지리학회지 제 12권 1호 통권 31호 2023_3월호
2023.04.10 14:16
국제지역분쟁의 지리교육적 접근: 2022년 러시아의 우크라이나 침공을 사례로
The Geography Educational Approach to International Regional Conflict: Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine in 2022
The Geography Educational Approach to International Regional Conflict: Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine in 2022
구한말과 일제 강점기 지문학(地文學)의 도입 및 변화에 대한 연구
A Study on the Introduction and Change of Physiography during the Late Period of Joseon and the Japanese Occupation era
A Study on the Introduction and Change of Physiography during the Late Period of Joseon and the Japanese Occupation era
증강현실 샌드박스를 활용한 지리 학습의 교육적 효과: 해안 퇴적 지형을 사례로
The Pedagogical Effects of Geographic Learning Using Augmented Reality Sandbox: Centering on Coastal Sedimentary Topography
The Pedagogical Effects of Geographic Learning Using Augmented Reality Sandbox: Centering on Coastal Sedimentary Topography
지리교육을 위한 아이슬란드 자연지리
Physical Geography of Iceland for Geography Education
Physical Geography of Iceland for Geography Education
인류세에서 학교 지리교육의 의미 탐색: 탈인간중심주의 관점을 기반으로
Investigating the Meaning of School Geography Education in the Anthropocene: A Post-anthropocentric Perspective
Investigating the Meaning of School Geography Education in the Anthropocene: A Post-anthropocentric Perspective
대학의 지역사회 협력을 위한 참여지도제작과 지역사회지리
권상철‧페드레갈 벨렌
University Community Engagement with Participatory Mapping and Community Geography
University Community Engagement with Participatory Mapping and Community Geography
실경 산수화에 나타난 단양팔경과 주변 국가지질공원에 대한 지형학적 해석
A Geomorphological Study of the Eight Scenic Spots of Danyang and the Surrounding National Geoparks in Real-view Landscape Paintings
A Geomorphological Study of the Eight Scenic Spots of Danyang and the Surrounding National Geoparks in Real-view Landscape Paintings
납 동위원소 연대측정을 이용한 시화호 내측 우음도의 퇴적환경 복원
Sedimentary Environmental Change of the Ueum Island in the Lake Shihwa Using Lead-210 Dating
Sedimentary Environmental Change of the Ueum Island in the Lake Shihwa Using Lead-210 Dating
호남지방에 분포하는 명승의 유형과 특징
Types and Characteristics of Beauty Spots in the Honam Region
Types and Characteristics of Beauty Spots in the Honam Region
제1차 십자군 전쟁에 대한 다중스케일적 재해석
A Multiscalar Reinterpretation of the First Crusade
A Multiscalar Reinterpretation of the First Crusade
관광객-여행자 이분법 넘기
Beyond the Dichotomy of Tourist-Traveller
Beyond the Dichotomy of Tourist-Traveller
국립공원 탐방서비스에 있어 보완대체의사소통(AAC)의 적용에 관한 연구
A Study on the Application of AAC in National Park Visitor Service
A Study on the Application of AAC in National Park Visitor Service
다문화교육 관점에서의 서울시 이주 청소년 시설에 대한 평가: 조선족 중도입국 청소년을 중심으로
Evaluation of Centres for Migrant Youth in Seoul from the Perspective of Multicultural Education: Focusing on Korean-Chinese Migrant Youth
Evaluation of Centres for Migrant Youth in Seoul from the Perspective of Multicultural Education: Focusing on Korean-Chinese Migrant Youth
대구천 골목화 과정 I: 일제 강점기를 대상으로
On the Conversion of Daegucheon into Alleys I: During Japanese Imperial Occupation
On the Conversion of Daegucheon into Alleys I: During Japanese Imperial Occupation
글로벌 시스템 사고 향상을 위한 AI 융합교육 프로그램 개발 및 적용
Development and Application of AI Convergence Education Program to Improve Global Systems Thinking
Development and Application of AI Convergence Education Program to Improve Global Systems Thinking