한국지리학회지 제 10권 1호 통권 24호 2021_04월호
2021.05.27 10:16
힘있는 지식의 의미와 지리학습전략
The Meaning of Powerful Knowledge and Geography Learning Strategies
The Meaning of Powerful Knowledge and Geography Learning Strategies
글로벌 사회의 객관적 인식을 위한 초등 지리교육과정의 보완적 구성 방안 연구
A Study on the Complementary Composition of Primary Geography Curriculum for Objective Recognition of Global Society
A Study on the Complementary Composition of Primary Geography Curriculum for Objective Recognition of Global Society
지식 중심의 국가교육과정에 근거한 영국 초등학교 지리교과서의 내용 분석
Content Analysis of Geography Textbooks in UK Elementary Schools Based on Knowledge-centered National Curriculum
Content Analysis of Geography Textbooks in UK Elementary Schools Based on Knowledge-centered National Curriculum
‘비판적 경계 읽기’ 수업을 통한 세계시민교육 방안 연구*
A Study on the Global Citizenship Education through a ‘Critical Reading of Border’ Class*
A Study on the Global Citizenship Education through a ‘Critical Reading of Border’ Class*
도시 속 자연마을 거주민의 장소감 비교연구: 광주광역시 남구 노대마을 어른들과 초등학생을 대상으로
A Comparative Study on the Sense of Place for Residents of Natural Village in the City: For Adults and Elementary School Students in Nodae Village in Nam-gu Gwangju Metropolitan City
A Comparative Study on the Sense of Place for Residents of Natural Village in the City: For Adults and Elementary School Students in Nodae Village in Nam-gu Gwangju Metropolitan City
전주 덕진연못(德津池)의 용도 및 축조시기와 장소성 변화*
Use and Construction Period and Change of Placeness in Deokjin Pond in JeonJu*
Use and Construction Period and Change of Placeness in Deokjin Pond in JeonJu*
남악신도시 사례를 통한 도청 이전(移轉) 신도시 개발에 관한 비판적 연구*
A Critical Study on the Newtown Development for the Relocation of Provincial Government Office based on Namak Newtown Case*
A Critical Study on the Newtown Development for the Relocation of Provincial Government Office based on Namak Newtown Case*
중력 모형을 이용한 국제항공 네트워크와 GaWC 세계도시 분류 체계 간 연관성 탐색*
Exploring the Relationship between International Air Transport Network and GaWC World City Classification System using Gravity Model*
Exploring the Relationship between International Air Transport Network and GaWC World City Classification System using Gravity Model*
CA(Cellular Automata)와 ARD(Automatic Rule Detection)를 이용한 제주도 도시 스프롤의 시공간적 변화 예측 모델링*
Modeling of Spatio-temporal changes of Urban Sprawl in Jeju-island: Using CA (Cellular Automata) and ARD (Automatic Rule Detection)*
Modeling of Spatio-temporal changes of Urban Sprawl in Jeju-island: Using CA (Cellular Automata) and ARD (Automatic Rule Detection)*
공간 최적화 모형을 이용한 자동심장충격기(AED)의 커버리지 평가: 강남구를 사례로*
Evaluating Coverage of Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Using a Spatial Optimization Model: The Case of Gangnam-Gu*
Evaluating Coverage of Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Using a Spatial Optimization Model: The Case of Gangnam-Gu*
우도비를 적용한 경상북도 산불 발화지의 공간분포 특성 연구*
A Study on the Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Forest Fire Ignition Point in Gyeongsangbuk-do Applying the Likelihood Ratio*
A Study on the Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Forest Fire Ignition Point in Gyeongsangbuk-do Applying the Likelihood Ratio*
국가기본도의 산정보에 관한 연구: 강원도를 사례로
A Study on the Mountain Information of National Base Map: Gangwon-do Province as an Example
A Study on the Mountain Information of National Base Map: Gangwon-do Province as an Example
한국지리학회지 2021년 10권 1호 표지(학회용)
한국지리학회지 2021년 10권 1호 표지(학회용)